The Art of Self Evaluation

  The better you are at what you do, the less you are asked to prove your worth or face formal evaluation. In many ways, that’s only logical; The greater your competence, the less need there is for a company to spend valuable time and resources overseeing you. If...

Recognizing Your Own Potential

  Perhaps you had a teacher when you were young who saw something in you and nurtured it. Maybe it was your business mentor, or the manager at your first job — we all owe a lot to the people who believed in us along the way. At some point, however, we have to...

5 Communication Essentials to Help Your Business

  You may have some fantastic ideas for a new business floating through your head, but unless you can communicate them well enough so that others can share your vision, they’ll never make it into the real world.   Many people think that having communication...

You Win Some, You Lose Some

Remember when you were young and your parents told you that you could be anything?   You want to be a doctor? Absolutely, work hard in school, get good grades and you’re on your way.   You want to be a football player? Absolutely, work hard in school get...

The Strategy of Business as a Game

In the past, I’ve written an all-encompassing piece on my idea of treating business as a game. Now, in step-by-step increments, I’m going to break down the process and put on display how you and anyone else can reap the same rewards that I have in my business life....

Playing with the End in Mind

  In my recent piece “Approaching Business as a Game,” I detailed the methodology behind the experience that seems to be lost on so many working class people today: actually enjoying your work. The simple fix, treating business as if it were a game, is something...